Power Centered PARENTING
Conscious Parenting based on the 4 Principles of Power that create lasting bonds, enhance communication, and heal generational cycles.
Power Centered Parenting closes the connection gap regardless of age, and neutralizes a human dynamic called the Paradox of Power, creating strong, conscious bonds, health and loving communication and legacies that end toxic generational cycles once and for all.
Power Centered PARENTING
Current parenting programs provide valuable skills and knowledge, but don’t cultivate the level of consciousness and emotional agility needed to respond when it matters most; in high-stress moments, when we shut down, get triggered, feel especially vulnerable, and our family is on the line.
How can you be a more conscious, effective parent; the kind that leaves a legacy of love?
Poor PARENTING Skills are NOT IMPACTING your FAMILY, unconscious patterns are
Which means traditional parenting skills and education won’t solve real problems at the most critical moments. They won’t up-level your family relationships in meaningful ways, or create:
Deep and Lasting Trust even if it’s been broken, time and time again.
Healthy Communication in tough situations, when life is hectic, and at least one person is defiant.
Heal Generational Cycles even when it’s traumatic, subconscious, and repetitive.
Strong Emotional Bonds based on radical honesty, personal accountability, and authentic alignment,
Especially, when you feel most disconnected and exhausted!
Power centered PRINCIPLES trump skill every time
As humans, we tend to crack under pressure, and revert to unconscious, brain-wired behaviors and emotions, designed to protect us when we feel threatened.
These responses create unconscious patterns that are too often based on the past, faulty perspectives, and biased information.
Responses that always cost us trust, connection, and safety; sometimes sacrificing perfectly good families and homes.
Power Centered PARENTING
is not a skill set.
It’s a method of:
Conscious relating, effective problem solving, intelligent emoting, and healthy communicating. It’s how you perceive, relate to and communicate with yourself and others. It’s how you show up in relationships, based on how you are wired.
You can learn skills, attend training(s), read books, be coached, and get educated. But if you are not consciously using Power Centered Principles to neutralize the Paradox of Power that we all experience in family and life, you’ll create inconsistent results, relationships that lack depth and authenticity, and make costly decisions in critical moments. You’ll stay stuck in fights, feel guilty, blame others, step out of alignment with yourself and your values, silence you and your family’s voice, freeze when it matters most, and most of all feel trapped, drained, and frustrated, rather than liberated, amplified, and impactful. Your relationships with everyone, including yourself, will suffer as a result, and be inconsistent or mediocre at best.
It’s Easy To Get Started
Purchase our book(s), complete a self-paced workbook, or a manual for a program you are attending.
Take a digital course, attend a retreat, join a parenting circle, or sign up for private coaching.
Become certified to deliver our trademarked research-based programs with your own client base.
License all of our content through a co-branded platform and generate additional revenue in your business.
Deep & Lasting
Family Cycles
Emotional Bonds
86% of parents struggle . . .
With a dirty little secret no one wants to talk about:
Control Centered Parenting
The kind of family relationship dynamics that create costly, heart breaking, and sometimes toxic results impacting everyone for years to come.
The kind of family relationships that lack self-awareness, personal accountability, effective and healthy communication, and the interpersonal skills that create conscious, loving bonds based in real equality, mutual consideration, and lasting joy.
You can rewire your brain, behaviors, and emotions to respond to ambiguity, complexity, and stress, to respond in a healthy manner when you are triggered most, with Power Centered approaches that produce, over Control Centered responses that protect.
You can learn to make deeply aligned, conscious decisions, problem-solve together as a team when it matters most, communicate effectively, honestly, and authentically, and build safe, emotionally mature relationships with strong and lasting bonds that are purposeful, playful, and healthy.
1. The confidence and ability to work together consistently and unconditionally; to amplify the things that matter most, building a unified vision, in the most challenging circumstances.
2. The pride of building sacred bonds that are conscious, co-created, and lasting because they are built to evolve as a unit, that also honors your individual sovereignty.
3. The experience of mutuality, reciprocity and reliability as a family unit that creates relationships you can all count on.
4. The relief of truly knowing your family members’ wants, desires, and needs, how to meet them, and being able to communicate and receive the same; feeling fully supported, and capable of effectively supporting others.
5. The comfort of being able to express your deepest feelings, the bravery to be unapologetic, and the confidence to know your whole family will accept you unconditionally, showing up to the relationship in a committed way.
6. The comfort you feel when you can easily manage change, navigate different perspectives, and lean into difficult times, turning them into assets that energize you and your family relationships, over deficits that drain you all.
7. The excitement you feel when you are seen, heard and understood, when you operate on a foundation of agreements that liberate you and your family, over misled expectations that limit your relationships.
8. The conviction you have when you know each other’s strengths, accept each other’s differences, and leverage them to build a stronger team.
9. The swell of confidence you experience when you have courageous conversations in pivotal moments that build a sense of connection, alignment, and authentically healthy relationships you can always turn to.
Even extraordinary families struggle at times
Under pressure, amidst rapid change, in complex, diverse settings we think, behave, and emote in unconscious, subtly self-sabotaging ways that leave family members frustrated, hurt, and exhausted during the most pivotal moments in life.
This makes everyone in the family feel drained, misunderstood, and insignificant in the place we want to feel the safest, and matter most.
The challenge is, we are actually hard-wired to protect, before we connect.
This causes us, even in the best circumstances, to unconsciously operate in a control-based approach that shuts down communication, and any form of connection. In the face of complexity, ambiguity, and challenges those control-based, automatic responses leave families exhausted, at least one person fleeing, and keeps us stuck in relationships that feel disconnected, fraught with misunderstandings, and potentially toxic leaving lasting impacts and cycles that repeat for generations.
In relationships, that is disappointing and deflating.
- Misunderstandings that leave us feeling unheard and disrespected.
- Lack of mutual accountability or reciprocity that leaves some people with a big burden, others feeling left out, and some feeling supported.
- Miscommunications that disconnect us, leaving us to feel alone and isolated.
- Mistrust causing us to doubt ourselves, each other, and our family.
- Repeating family patterns that trigger us; keeping us stuck and unhealthy, inside and outside of the family.
- Lack of courage, truth speaking and bravery leaving us out of alignment with ourselves and our values
- Isolated choices that cause us to feel like we aren’t on the same team.
you are not alone
Conscious Families from around the world are revolutionizing the way they relate to each other with Power Centered Parenting practices and the Four Principles of Power.
A non-traditional family, with generations of trauma, came to us through the court system. To protect their identities we will call them the ‘Joneses’.
They went through our family based I AM Powerful 16 week group program, used our manuals and books, and were additionally supported through family coaching.
The daughter was addicted to Heroin, had been sexually assaulted, hadn’t been to school since 7th grade, and was living with her mom who was addicted to pills. She was referred to our program through a diversion court initiative.
Her grandparents and aunt went through our 8 week program, while the girl went through the first 8 weeks with her peers. They then went through 8 more weeks of the program together with the other families.
By the end of the 16 weeks the daughter was sober, enrolled in high school, attended her first prom, and was on track to graduate within 6 months. She moved into a stable living environment with her grandparents and aunt, who now had the skills to heal generations of pain and trauma.
They had many tough, but courageous conversations, they got deeply honest with each other, listened to one another, learned to honor and respect each other, and themselves. They set healthy boundaries, and began to believe they could have a happy family that would end the violence, addiction and trauma.
Our clients find that our programs are best implemented with mutual engagement, with multiple points of contact, and embedded into their entire lives for lasting, organically self-perpetuating results; just like the Jones’ have done. This family began work with us almost 10 years ago, and stay in contact with us sharing the progress they still make using the techniques they learned a decade ago.
This work isn’t just a set of skills, it’s a way of conscious being, perceiving, relating to and communicating with ourselves and others; that has a way of changing your whole life for the rest of your life.
The power paradox
It’s NOT YOU! Your brain is tricking you!
Few people know that the part of our brain that inspires us to be conscious, authentic, and connected, also tells us stories that trap us. This part of the brain is activated when the pressure is tense, you get vulnerable, and the stakes are high.
It’s why we think we’ve arrived, but end up stuck. It’s called the Paradox of Power.
The good news is there is a way to flip this paradox upside down, trick your brain, and free yourself once and for all from the self sabotaging patterns.
If you are operating without knowing how the POWER PARADOX impacts you or your family then the results you do see may not last, and are certainly coming at cost you don’t need to pay.
How It Creates A Development Gap
Current parenting and family development programs cultivate valuable skills and knowledge, but don’t cultivate the consciousness or emotional agility needed to respond in these high pressure moments, under challenging circumstances, when our decisions matter most, relationships are critical, and family is on the line.
Today’s rapid, chaotic world requires conscious parenting and family relationships that are courageous, intentional, versatile, and emotionally resourced.
To accomplish this, parenting and family programs must shift how we solve problems, overcome challenges, make decisions, navigate change, communicate, and engage in the relationships – IN THE MOMENT – under pressure, and when stakes are high.
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