shift the nature of power on the planet!
Our vision is big and bold.
We know. We believe our mission begins in leadership. How we lead ourselves, and thus our relationships, companies, communities, and families, ultimately defines our collective experience of power on the planet.
our commitment
We are committed to doing what it takes to create REAL, lasting results where they matter most in your families.
After 30 years of working with relationships in business, love, and families; we found ourselves fixing the same four things every single time – so we decided to change the game.
Something about how we cultivate love, families and relationships isn’t working.
It doesn’t create authentic, truly equal partnership, conscious communication that’s radically honest, or people who have integrated masculine and feminine principles. Today’s world requires us all to have the strategic skills necessary to effectively respond when we’re feeling most vulnerable, are seeped in frequent trauma and biases, and are navigating our ever-evolving sovereign selves. What sounds good in a classroom, rarely translates to the real world when it matters most. At least not in a pace, and at a price, that makes sense today. We wanted to fix this. So…..
We designed innovative, evidence-based, scientifically proven relationship, parenting, and family development methods.
The kind that produces and sustains exponential results. The kind that nurtures and brings relief to everyone. The kind that lasts, leaves a legacy, and truly impacts each family member, the relationships within them, and everyone they touch. What started as specific tools, and 4 programs, for our private clients, has now become a phenomenon.
With 10 years of University back research, resulting in evidence-based programming, we are certain we have a revolution!
Join the Movement and become a Power Centered Parent or Family Today.
Earn the badge and the credibility that comes with it.
Our Founder
A breakthrough consultant for over 20 years, creator of the I AM Powerful program, and author on several books, ShannonRae gives couples, individuals and leaders practical tools to produce unprecedented results. A driven, passionate, results junkie, and liberated soul herself, ShannonRae gives people the tools they need to liberate everything from results to relationships, and ultimately themselves. A modern shaman, a corporate CEO and consultant, a speaker and author, a single mother of two adult children, in a successful, long term relationship herself; ShannonRae has worked with families in the courts, couples in private and retreat settings, and coached hundreds of families in trauma and health over three decades. With two advanced behavioral science degrees, a background in counseling, and a developer of many programs she additionally teaches clinician’s cultural competencies, trauma informed practices, and strengths based approaches among several other methods, techniques and tools. She has created profound, research validated results with C level executives, mid-level managers and revenue generating professionals, as well as families, couples, and individual clients from various backgrounds, with complex multiple traumas. While she is dynamic and highly versatile, a survivor of trauma herself, and a CEO of two successful companies, ShannonRae is best known for her striking combination of energy, passion, and ability to create consistent and measured excellence in others.
family types
of hearts influenced
of families impacted
Our promise
We are committed to creating peaceful relationship containers that foster the best in everyone; healthy, profitable, and playful families thrive in.
We are committed to authentic power that creates unshakable confidence, and true personal freedom, even in the most challenging, complex circumstances.
We are committed to passion that drives profound relationships and fuels conscious parenting, sacred containders, and strong bonds in healthy families.
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Elevate Your Family to the Next Level Through Power Centered Parenting.